
Batik: technique of painting on fabric


Batik is the art of painting on fabric, which is gaining more and more popularity among artists and needlewomen. We study an unusual technique of drawing on textiles together.


The word "batik" means "wax painting." The technique, as we know it, is rooted in Indonesian culture. It was on the island of Java that it experienced its heyday. It could take months to create one canvas. Painting was time-consuming and expensive, so things painted in batik technique were the subject of aristocracy. In Indonesia, painted fabrics are still highly valued, but now the craft of Java is in the public domain and items made using the batik technique are popular around the world.


What is batik

Batik can be simultaneously called both craft and art. This is a special technique for drawing onto fabrics using redundant compounds. A plain fabric is pulled onto a wooden frame and painted according to a pre-prepared pattern. This is a rather delicate and painstaking work, although it is not necessary to be an artist to master this skill.

@ artflat777

Varieties of Batik


The hot batik technique is usually used for coarse fabrics. The reserve composition in this case consists of wax or paraffin and is applied to the fabric hot, after the drawing is ready, the reserve composition is removed. Hot batik implies multi-layered dyeing of the fabric, so the images are more blurry and they do not have clearly drawn borders.

@ pavel_gubanov84


Cold batik is the most common way of painting silk. Unlike hot, the backup composition does not heat up before application. Before you start painting, the borders of the picture are surrounded by a backup composition, which can be bought at an art store. This technique is considered the most suitable for beginners and is somewhat reminiscent of children's coloring. For painting fabrics in cold technology, much less materials and additional devices are required.

@golandart (1,2)

Batik in the interior

Painted fabric is often used in home interiors. Unusual and interesting patterns, funny drawings or full-fledged paintings will give freshness to any apartment. In batik technique, bedspreads or bed linen are also often painted.


Batik in the wardrobe

You can use this technique not only to decorate your apartment. In addition to panels or bedspreads, you can paint stoles and other wardrobe items. Silk blouses with an unusual ornament or even children's t-shirts with simple patterns are very popular.


Learning the technique of cold batik

Since this technique is best suited to begin mastering the painting, we will focus on cold batik.

What is needed

Almost all batik materials can be easily purchased at an art store.


  • The cloth. Traditionally, natural fabrics are used for cold batik, because special dyes are poorly fixed on artificial materials. Silk is best.
  • Frame. Sliding is an ideal option, since it is more convenient to adjust such a frame to the dimensions of the canvas.
  • Brushes. Better brushes for batik are better to choose in an art store. There they can tell you which tool is best.
  • Paints. Paints for batik can also be found in the art store. For starters, you can get by with the simplest sets.
  • Reserve. You can either prepare the reserve yourself or buy a ready-made one.
  • Tubes for applying the reserve. Tubes can be bought at a specialty store.But often the reserve is sold in a container with an elongated nose, many craftsmen immediately apply it to the fabric
  • Paper drawing. Before you begin, decide which image you will apply to the fabric, make a paper sketch in the size of your canvas
  • Push pins to fasten the fabric to the frame

What you need to know

Before you begin to study technology in practice, you first need to learn a few important nuances of painting on fabric.

  • The fabric should be tightly attached to the frame. If the canvas will move or go in waves, the contour will turn out unsuccessful and the paint may spread
  • Before you start filling the contour, try a piece of fabric
  • Before you take up the paints, you must check the circuit for integrity and make sure that it is closed. To do this, gently pat the area with a sponge moistened with water and a drop of shampoo. If water does not flow, the circuit is well applied.
  • Contour lines should not be too thick.

How to make batik

Fabric preparation

Before work, you need to thoroughly rinse the fabric in warm water and get rid of chemical processing substances.

Prepare the frame

While the fabric is drying, prepare the frame for operation. Cover the frame with masking tape before stretching the canvas.

Beginning of work

After the fabric is completely dry, pull the canvas onto the frame and secure it with the push pins. To tightly tighten the fabric, first fasten it with four buttons, one on each side. Next, you can fix the fabric throughout the frame.

Draw a sketch on the fabric

Under the fabric, place a pre-prepared pattern and transfer it with a simple soft pencil to the fabric as if on a stencil.


Apply reserve

Carefully apply a reserve along the outline of your sketch. To do this, dial the reserve in a special glass tube and gently guide it along the outline of the picture. It is important to ensure that the line is not interrupted. Drawing with a special device or buying a reserve with an applicator is up to you.


Apply paint

After the reserve has dried up, you can start applying paint. To make the paint easier to lay down, you can moisten the area with water.



Now that the paint has dried, you need to remove the product from the frame and gently iron it on the back with an iron at a temperature suitable for the fabric. After that, leave the product for about a day and manually wash it in a soap solution. It remains only to process the edges of the canvas and the work is finished.

Silk scarf processing

For a better understanding of the technique, we have selected several workshops for you.

Master Class. Cold batik:

Cold batik. Painting the canvas:

Having mastered the cold batik, you can not be limited only to the pattern on the canvases. You can paint yourself dresses or blouses.


Watch the video: Batik Art. Fabric painting. Fabric painting Techniques (January 2025).