
How sewing helps make dreams come true: sewing instagram of the week


Our heroine began to sew not so long ago, but is already making progress. Her story is about why, in search of a hobby, she chose sewing and how it changed her life.

About the page author

“Hi, my name is Yvonne and I am a passionate beginner seamstress,” introduces our heroine today. Yvonne says that 2.5 years ago she and her husband moved from quiet Switzerland to London.

“I worked full time, doing startups. The combination of living in London and hard work, as you know, leads to the fact that you can become quite restless and nervous. I tried to find a way to relax and not think about work at least in the evenings and in the weekend I began to look for a hobby.

What to choose? I was looking for something that could again give me the opportunity to feel the joy of creativity, as it was in childhood. It should be noted that I am a practical person, so I was looking for a hobby that would give me a useful end result, and not something that would later gather dust on a shelf. I tried something, in particular, calligraphy and knitting, but there was no success ... Until I discovered sewing! "

Why buy it if you can do it yourself: instagram of the week

What is this page about

Yvonne started sewing just a year ago, but the photos of the works that she puts on her Instagram page show that she definitely found her occupation and is making progress. Perhaps the fact is that she began the study of this case under the guidance of professionals, having taken sewing courses. It is also important that Yvonne, by his own admission, loves clothes and fashion. "The opportunity to bring to life those models from those fabrics that I want and then wear it is a dream for me that has become a reality," she says.

Yvonne says that while she chooses not the most complex models and not all of her wardrobe consists of things that she sewed herself. At the same time, according to her, sewing not only became an outlet for her and a favorite hobby. This lesson helped her take a different look at clothes in general. "Now, for each thing, I see the amount of work and more carefully choose clothes in the store, buy better quality clothes that I will wear for a long time."

Yvonne says that she started her blog in order to document her path, and to motivate the same newcomers, and to tell everyone that sewing is an exciting and modern activity. On her page you will find photos of the process and finished work, motivational posts, lists of useful and inspiring resources and so on.

Minimalist seamstress blog: instagram of the week

Who will be interested in this page

First of all, we recommend the Yvonne page to those who, like her, are just starting their sewing journey. But more experienced needlewomen will surely find here interesting ideas and useful links.

When I'm in front of a sewing machine, the world around disappears: instagram of the week

More photos: @sewingbeginner
