
Elegant age


A sweet, kind, slightly grouchy grandmother in a scarf near the stove or a slightly harsh, confident European old woman in a fashionable suit and hat for a walk in the park? Or is it better - the golden mean?

As a child, I very well imagined what I would be like in old age - without makeup and manicure, with disheveled gray hair, carrying on what I bought myself 20 years ago ... So I thought until, as a student, I met an old elegant lady - in Berlin, walking along the beautiful street Unter Den Linden. And I thought: "I will never become like her ..."
Many years have passed since then, but I still clearly see in front of her her white hat with wide brim and a small white lacquer handbag, which is gripped by a hand in white gloves in a mesh ...
Perhaps that lady was not so impressively spectacular as to stop and look at her with her mouth agape, as I did, of course, never to look like the aged "European lionesses," but from my grandmother in a headscarf, who wears her old clothes, I perhaps, too, "left" irrevocably far.
By the way, it was after that meeting that I like to communicate with people older than myself. Among them there are a variety of women, including elegant and beautiful elderly ladies. Of course, it’s unlikely that I will ever be able to become the same as they are, because as a fashion editor I can’t resist the charm of cute and mischievous freaks.But, on the other hand, my family will never allow me to join the ranks of the latter, and therefore I try to cultivate in myself those character traits that would allow me in the future not to upset my relatives with an unsightly or shocking look.

I even came up with three mandatory rules for myself ... Do not judge strictly - everyone has their own program in life.
Rule one - "I'm not so rich as to buy cheap things for myself!"
That is, when creating the ensemble, I will be satisfied with the presence of several cool gadgets in it, perhaps just a couple of new and “shiny” trifles, for example, handbags, scarves, brooches, trendy nail polish, etc. Then I can most likely afford a coat , jacket, blouse, dress, skirt, trousers, shoes, etc. from quality materials and neatly sewn.
Rule two - the head should always be in order!
First of all, of course, a friendly look and a smile (beautiful teeth!), Plus no “hopelessness” and detachment from reality in the eyes. Optimism, self-confidence, politeness and unobtrusive sociability.
Then - hair: either a beautiful and persistent styling, or smoothly combed back. I'm not sure that I will dye them - for many, gray hair looks great. But if painted, then only in bright color.
Makeup - a must! But not a thick layer and not too bright ... I will focus on the lines - eyebrows, lips, for example. And I will certainly make sure that the makeup is precisely combined with clothes and accessories, especially those that are "located" close to the head.
Rule three: accuracy and grooming.
No matter how much time and effort it may cost! Everything should be cleaned-smoothed-combed. And in your purse - a mandatory set of tools that allow you to quickly put yourself in order in any situation: wipes, combs, pocket mirror, lipstick, etc.
And finally - ummmmm ... oooh! No, not the rule, but my first love, my first discovery in the world of aromas, which I live and to which I will remain faithful all my life, with which so many memories are connected ... And to the question of grandchildren "What do you, grandmother, give for your centenary?" I will answer: "Of course, Chanel is No. 5!"

Photo: PR, Ari Seth Cohen.
Material prepared by Elena Karpova


Watch the video: Elegant aging - tips to age with elegance (September 2024).