
New Year's commotion: how to get in shape for the holidays


Nothing remains until the New Year, which means that now is the time to take care of yourself in order to celebrate the holidays fully armed and in the most rosy mood!

The main holiday of the year has an amazing property - at first it seems that the New Year is still very far away, and then it suddenly turns out to be so close that there is barely enough time to buy gifts, choose a festive outfit and think over a New Year's table! This year we offer you to approach the issue with due awareness and regularity - and you will be surprised how much more complete and joyful the feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you will meet with on December 31 will be.

A holiday comes to us: revision of the wardrobe

Choosing an outfit for a New Year's party is a responsible matter! We study fashion trends, look in the Chinese calendar to find out what colors and details will appeal to the new symbol of the year, and look at store windows. But many modern psychologists recommend starting preparations for the main holiday of the year ... with a thorough revision of the wardrobe!

It would seem, what is the connection between the beginning of the new year and the wardrobe? Maybe not the most obvious, but more than straightforward: over the year our wardrobe is replenished with many new things, and it is far from always that we sort clothes in a timely manner, getting rid of the old and conveniently placing new ones in the wardrobe. As a result, by the end of the year, many people have complete chaos in the wardrobe, in which morally obsolete things are adjacent to the uncleaned autumn clothes, and despite the clogged closet, you again have nothing to put on.

Moreover, people by their nature tend to live in certain cycles (daily, weekly, annual, etc.), and at the end of the cycle we summarize, sometimes unknowingly, by measuring the internal degree of effectiveness of the stage lived. Coming to positive conclusions, we experience a feeling of satisfaction and happily move on to the next cycle. And vice versa, taking disorder and disorder with us in the new year, we are much more likely to experience a feeling of tired dissatisfaction.

If you are already puzzled by the methods of putting things in order in the closet, we recommend the method of Japanese writer and TV presenter Marie Kondo, who turned order into a real art! You can read more about it in our article:

How to disassemble a wardrobe by the method of Marie Kondo

How to get in shape for the New Year's party?

Whatever holiday outfit you choose, be it a dress or an elegant trouser suit, I want it to fit perfectly! According to tradition, fashion gloss and the Internet are in a hurry to help, whose pages are full of express diets that promise to give you the perfect figure in just a few weeks. 10, 15, 20 kilograms - mysterious mono diets, severe interval starvation, risky diets on fresh juices and many, many others attract us with such loud promises. But any competent therapist will tell you that short-term diets are not the healthiest adventure, but also, they are far from always effective in terms of the main goal, losing weight.

Our body by itself never comes to the conclusion that we should lose a couple of extra pounds. On the contrary, ancient instincts tell us - you see tasty food, eat it, otherwise then you might not have such a chance! Therefore, when we decide by willpower to seriously limit our daily calorie intake, the brain switches all systems to a saving mode, which in turn often leads to the fact that even after two weeks of a low-calorie diet, weight does not move off the ground.

What to do if there is a month left before the New Year, and you still do not like the figure on the scales?

Step 1. Eat correctly, fractionally and variably

You must provide the body with a daily portion of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, it is worthwhile to exclude or at least reduce the amount of salt consumed, since it prevents the withdrawal of fluid. Avoid alcohol and possibly caffeinated drinks. Below you will find an example of a full menu for the day:


Oatmeal with dried fruits, low fat cottage cheese and fruit.


Salad with mozzarella, ripe tomatoes and herbs.


Soup with vegetables and chicken breast, salad of vegetables and olives with lemon juice.


Fat-free cottage cheese with honey.


Baked veal, sliced ​​tomato, lettuce, crackers with feta cheese.

Step 2. Add Workouts

It’s not necessary to go to expensive fitness clubs to bring sport and movement to your life. A nightly walk will not cost you a dime, and its benefits will be enormous! True, walking alone for weight loss is still not enough, so choose a feasible training program (any therapist can advise you on contraindications!) And try to do it every other day.

A lot in this matter depends on your usual lifestyle (for example, if you work in the office, doctors recommend getting up and warming up every half hour), on your age, heredity, state of health and many other nuances, so you should choose the load with great care.

Step 3. Set up the digestive tract

Even if we discard the issue of losing weight, the New Year holidays, as a rule, turn out to be a serious test for our digestion (unless you have the magical power to refuse holiday salads and cuts)! Therefore, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are definitely the very thing that should be left in the past year.

If you follow the first two recommendations from our list, in two weeks you will notice positive changes, because proper fractional nutrition and movement will most favorably affect the work of both the stomach and intestines. Moreover, the latter will thank you so much for a varied diet, because, according to WHO statistics, low levels of fruit and vegetable consumption are among the ten (!) Leading risk factors for global mortality.

In addition to healthy vitamins, vegetables and fruits contain fiber necessary for our health, the lack of which leads to such a common problem as constipation. However, as nutritionists say, in order to meet the daily requirement, you will have to eat at least ... a kilogram of fruits and vegetables per day! You will have to try very hard to cope with such a quantity, and in addition, such a portion will be very high-calorie. How to be? Effective and appropriate in this case will be the use of herbal preparations, which not only contribute to gentle emptying, but also completely cover the need for dietary fiber. In order not to worry about side effects and consequences, make sure in advance that such a preparation does not contain artificial additives, dyes or aggressive, addictive senna. Suitable, for example, the well-proven 100% natural remedy Fitomucil Norm.

Its action is based on two safe active ingredients that provide a soft and comfortable release of the intestines without pain, bloating and sudden urges: the shell of plantain seeds and the flesh of home plum.

"Fitomucil Norm" affects both the contents of the intestine and its mucous membrane, relieving constipation, bloating and a feeling of heaviness, and also promotes the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. And what is important as part of the New Year’s preparations, “Fitomucil Norm” reduces the absorption of fats and carbohydrates in the intestines, which reduces the calorie intake, helping to maintain weight!

We are absolutely sure that these three simple steps will help you not only get in great physical shape, but also give you a great holiday mood, and your New Year's outfit will sit perfectly on you. Be healthy and beautiful!


Dietary supplement. Not a cure

Photo: pixabay


Watch the video: How To Stay In Shape On Holiday (January 2025).