
Beneficial bacteria


There is a lot of talk about probiotics. What is it really - another fashionable theory or the key to health and longevity?

Translated from Latin, the term "probiotics" means "in favor of life." It is this action that has a number of microorganisms that inhabit our intestines. Its constant microflora consists of 17 families, 45 genera and about 500 species of various bacteria - both beneficial ones that help digest food and supply the body with vitamins and other necessary substances, and harmful ones that feed on fermentation products and cause putrefactive processes.

Uninvited guests

While the "good" and "bad" bacteria coexist peacefully in the body, we are healthy. If for some reason their balance is disturbed, intestinal dysbiosis or dysbacteriosis develops: the indigenous inhabitants of the intestine (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, bacteroids, E. coli, etc.) are replaced by malicious immigrants - Candida, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. As a result, a person’s appetite decreases, bad breath, immunity weakens, he is periodically disturbed by constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, nausea and flatulence are possible, he quickly gets tired, feels weak. However, often a violation of the intestinal microflora does not appear in any way, proceeding in a latent form.

Various provocative factors can lead to dysbiosis: poor and unbalanced nutrition, prolonged and uncontrolled use of antibiotics, unfavorable ecology - and even ordinary life situations: if you get a lot of nervous, lack of sleep and overwork, have recently had a cold or underwent surgery, switched to a new job or returned from rest in warm countries. And note: dysbiosis can occur both as a background disease in chronic ailments of the gastrointestinal tract, and as an independent one - then it can provoke allergic reactions, diseases of the stomach and intestines, lead to weakened immunity and excess weight.


If you have not recently gotten out of colds, unsuccessfully struggling with fullness, cannot take allergies under control, complain of stomach problems, ask for a referral for bacteriological analysis. Perhaps dysbiosis is to blame.

Everything is in harmony

Maintaining the balance of the intestinal flora is very important, because it performs a number of vital functions.

• Protective beneficial microflora inhibits the growth of pathogenic intestinal

bacteria: it produces antibiotic-like substances and inhibits

the development of intestinal infections. In addition, with the help of intestinal microflora in the body, toxins formed during digestion are destroyed.

• Enzymatic Useful microorganisms are involved in the breakdown of fiber, starch, residues of food proteins and fats, organic acids that are not digested by digestive enzymes in the small intestine.

• Synthetic Normal intestinal microflora synthesizes vitamins (B1, AT2, AT6, K, folic acid, nicotinic acid, etc.), and also participates in the metabolism of cholesterol, androgens, estrogens, bile acids, ensuring their circulation in the body.

• Immune Intestinal microflora activates the synthesis of immunoglobulins, increasing the body's defenses.

Yogurt in the morning

To prevent intestinal dysbiosis, you need to eat probiotic products containing live intestinal bacteria. This is primarily dairy products, as well as yeast bread, kvass, sprouted grains. Moreover, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, ayran are equally useful for the body, they have no special "specialization". They differ only in the type of bacterial sourdough and taste. The quality of fermented milk products is determined by the amount of beneficial bacteria contained in them. They should be at least 1 million per 1 ml of product.But for microorganisms to work, they must remain alive. Therefore, such products should be stored at a temperature of 4-8 ° C, then they can not lose their properties for 6 weeks. With improper storage, the activity of bacteria increases, and their life cycle ends earlier, so there will be no desired benefit from yogurt or kefir.


It is enough for a healthy person to consume 2-4 glasses of dairy products per day - this will protect against gastritis, allergies, stomach ulcers, liver diseases.

Not just yogurt

The first propagator of probiotics was the famous microbiologist, immunologist, Nobel laureate Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov. He studied the aging processes of the body for a long time and noticed that in Bulgaria there are more centenarians than in other countries. Mechnikov analyzed various factors that could affect this phenomenon, and in the end suggested that the secret of longevity lies in nutrition - the inhabitants of the Balkans were very fond of sour milk. The scientist came to the conclusion that it is the beneficial microorganisms (in particular, sour milk Bulgarian) that are contained in this national product that prevent aging and self-poisoning of the body. The Mechnikov curdled milk based on the Bulgarian chopstick gained great popularity, and the term "probiotic" appeared later - already in the 60s of the last century. They began to call them various bacteria that are useful for our body.

Bacteria from a jar

Unlike probiotic products, which are used as a means of preventing and eliminating "stress" intestinal dysbiosis, probiotics in the form of food additives and medicines are prescribed for a number of diseases. Typically, such probiotics contain one or more strains of microorganisms of the same species or consist of several strains of different types of bacteria. It is believed that it is better to use multi-strain probiotics. Recent advances in this area have been the creation of probiotics with a narrowly targeted action: for the treatment of dysbiosis after the use of antibiotics, inflammatory bowel diseases, travelers' diarrhea, allergies, constipation or vaginal infections.


In the cold season, pay attention to probiotics with immunomodulatory effects. They strengthen the immune system and help the body resist pathogenic viruses.

Add fiber

Live bacteria, which are contained in probiotics, perform a peculiar substitution function in the intestine. They "work" instead of their own bacteria, which for one reason or another is no longer enough. But it is recommended to take them no more than 1-2 months. Next, you need to create comfortable conditions for the growth of your own beneficial intestinal microflora. How? Using foods rich in fiber and organic acids.


To ensure that the intestinal microflora is normal, along with fermented milk products, include cereals, beets, carrots, cabbage, fruits, mushrooms in the diet more often.



Watch the video: Crystal Clear Pond Water with Aquascape Beneficial Bacteria (January 2025).