
Malvina's eyelashes


Means for stimulating eyelash growth promise a fabulous effect. Unfortunately, a fairy tale does not always become true. Why, from one and the same remedy, are beauty for one and tears for the other?

The composition of gels and serums for stimulating the growth of eyelashes includes vitamins A, B and C, antioxidants, peptides, essential oils, etc. As well as the artificially synthesized substance prostaglandin. Initially, it was used (and is used) in drugs for glaucoma, and doctors noticed: the longer the drops are used, the more magnificent the eyelashes become. The discovery was adopted by trichologists and began to be used to treat eyelid hypotrichosis - insufficient growth of eyelashes and eyebrows.

And then the cosmetic industry took over the baton. The first drug for eyelash growth appeared in the United States and was approved by the FDA, a very strict and picky organization.

Theoretically, such medical origin is simply obliged to guarantee safety and quality. In practice, a lot of side effects are irritation, redness, inflammation of the eyes and even barley.

Is the FDA wrong? There is no definitive answer that means for eyelash growth are dangerous to health. Dmitry Maychuk, doctor of medical sciences, head of the department of therapeutic ophthalmology MNTK "Eye Microsurgery" named. Academician S. N. Fedorov, says: "The main active ingredient of such agents is prostaglandin. But its concentration in cosmetics is low. And, as you know, they should be applied along the edge of the eyelash growth. And if the agent still gets into the eyes? It is theoretically possible toxic effects of prostaglandins on retinal neuroreceptors. But that this affected vision, it should take at least 10-20 years. Another thing is that prostaglandins can cause redness, itching, swelling and increase chronic inflammatory reactions in allergy sufferers, people with chronic infections, dry eyes. Another feature of prostaglandins is not so harmless - increased blood circulation. On the one hand, it improves the nutrition of the eye. On the other hand, it leads to the growth of capillaries on the thin skin of the eyelids. Therefore, a vascular network may appear on them, which is very difficult to get rid of. In the treatment of glaucoma, these risks are certainly justified ... "

The instructions for eyelash growth products indicate possible side effects - burning, pigmentation of the eyelids and iris. Sometimes such changes are irreversible. But does this stop anyone?

Eyelash oil

To better grow eyelashes, you need to "feed" them. In addition to prostaglandins, the composition of almost all such products includes essential oils and vitamins A, group B, C. They do not affect the active growth of eyelashes. But they are perfectly looked after - moisturize and thicken them. However, it is not worth abusing and using such funds for a long time, warns Elena Tatatarchenko, dermatovenerologist, trichologist of the Scientific Center of Dermatology and Cosmetology.

"A saturated fat preparation can clog the sebaceous glands in the corners of the eyes and around the edge of the eyelids. The products should be applied very carefully along the edge of the eyelash growth, and the excess should be removed with a cotton swab," - the expert explains. "The effect of oil extracts has no greater effect on the sebaceous glands of the eyelashes than ordinary mascara, - continues Dmitry Maychuk. - Vitamin A raises questions. It provokes severe allergies in 2-3% of people. It comes quickly and proceeds sharply, it is impossible not to notice the reaction. However, she easily removed with antihistamines. There is an assumption that blockage of the sebaceous glands may affect the frequency of barley. But most likely, their cause is associated with a change in the hormonal background and intestinal dysbiosis ".

There are as many preservatives in preparations for eyelash growth as in other cosmetics. So it's not about them.

Ideally, after the competent use of such a tool, we get thick, long and magnificent eyelashes. But instead, sometimes we notice that the eyelashes begin to grow unevenly.

This really happens. Sometimes hair grows in bundles of longer and shorter eyelashes. The hairs lose a beautiful bend, and after some time the elongated eyelashes begin to crumble en masse.

"Unlike hair on the head, eyelashes grow only to a certain length, - explains Elena Tatatarchenko. - This length, thickness, shape and bend are genetically incorporated. You can only affect the density of eyelashes and temporarily ".

On the upper eyelid, their number varies from 100 to 200, and the average length is about 10 mm. In the lower eyelid - from 50 to 100 5-7 mm long. The life span of each cilia is 150-200 days. Like hair, they can be in a growth stage and a dormant stage. Stimulating agents increase the duration of the growth stage, so eyelashes and grow longer, on average by 10−20%. But the remedy acts only on the hairs in the growth stage. Therefore, it turns out such a different length at the same time.

If you stop using the product, the eyelashes will again grow to the original, genetically laid length. They do not get worse, depletion of the hair bulb and massive loss does not occur. Just the loss of longer hairs is striking, there is a fluff around the eyes.

Inaccurate application of the product, indeed, can stimulate the growth of gun hairs. But it is worth abandoning the remedy, and after a while they will disappear by themselves.

It is important to remember that poor nutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals, stress, illiterate makeup removal, and poor-quality cosmetics affect the health and growth of eyelashes.

No one argues - thick, long eyelashes give the look depth and charm. There are no fundamental contraindications to the use of stimulants. But when choosing them, you should still be guided by the ratio of risk and benefit.

Most side effects are the result of improper use of eyelash growth stimulants.


■ Use with caution in case of allergic diseases and a tendency to inflammatory reactions. At the first sign of side effects, growth stimulants must be discarded.

■ Apply the drug in a thin layer strictly along the hairline. It should not get into the eyes.

■ Use the product one hour before bedtime to absorb. Due to the habit of sleeping in an embrace with a pillow, the product can get on the face and stimulate the growth of hairs on the skin. The result is fluff on the cheekbones and in the eye area.

■ Discard the agent gradually. Prostaglandins have a reversal effect. The condition of the eyelashes can not only return to the previous state, but also deteriorate for some time. Therefore, if you decide to refuse, apply the product first every other day, then twice a week, once a week. And so on until the tube runs out.

The article was published on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 05/2013

Text: Svetlana Troitskaya. Photo: malyugin /

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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