
Yoga: Alone with the World


For active sports lovers, yoga seems too monotonous and boring. In vain. In the spring, when running and cycling are not yet available, and an organism accustomed to fitness requires a load, it's time for yoga.

Self-mastering yoga is not always the right choice. The goal of any asana (yoga posture) is not just to copy the intricate movement, but to bring the bones, joints, muscles, and at the same time internal organs to the anatomically correct position. To do this, you need to feel your body well, to feel your own stretch limit.

As a rule, those who move a lot and are used to listening to their body, to feel how it works, have muscular sensations. The hostages of a sedentary lifestyle still need to gain this feeling. Its absence will significantly complicate the development of asanas.

It is better to start in a group with a teacher who will see the main mistakes and correct them. But it is even more important to understand the basic principles of yoga, to be imbued with its philosophy. Then the asanas will be easier to perform, and the lifestyle will gradually change.

What does yoga begin with?

All yoga classes are based on proper breathing. It is with breathing asanas that any lesson begins. They help to correctly direct the flow of energy in the body, set a certain mood, free from extraneous thoughts.No artificial delays or rapid breathing are unacceptable, because they are used to achieve an altered state of consciousness, a beginner will not be able to control himself in this state, the load on the heart will change, etc. Therefore, starting to do yoga, breathe deeply and naturally.

As a rule, beginners get acquainted with 20-30 asanas, although more than 200 are subject to advanced yoga. Complex stands - on the shoulders, head, some upside down - require significant preparation.

An important point is the choice of the teacher. In Russia, yoga, unfortunately, has become a way of making money. Sometimes classes are conducted by former athletes who simply demonstrate to students the flexibility of their bodies. Such instructors do not understand the necessary sequence of asanas, which entails injury.

Do not hesitate to ask what type of yoga the teacher practices, how many years he has been engaged and who is certified. The answer "hatha yoga" or "fitness yoga" should alert - too general words.

Unusual sensations

Yoga is significantly different from other types of fitness. Calling her a sport doesn’t even turn her tongue. It is not necessary to increase the load all the time, as in regular strength or aerobic training. Much more important is polishing what you already know how to do, bringing any asana, even the simplest one, to the ideal.

Another difference from fitness is the absence of health restrictions. The correct alternation of asanas allows people with spinal problems, joint diseases, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, flat feet to do yoga.Many scientific studies have proven the real health benefits of this ancient art.

And let yoga does not give a significant increase in muscle. But after class every cell of the body receives a powerful and long-lasting charge of vivacity. Gradually, the muscles become embossed, the skin is smooth, and stress resistance increases surprisingly.

What are the expected results from doing yoga?

Weight loss, normalization of blood pressure, improvement of blood vessels and heart, increased stamina, normalization of tissue sensitivity to insulin and the general hormonal background - this is not a complete list of "side effects" of yoga!

Many researchers believe that this is largely due to its psychotherapeutic component. Stress is our sworn offender, destroyer, culprit in obesity and oncology. Yoga involves self-immersion and natural inner calm.

On the one hand, it seems unrealistic - how can I forget about what you spin every day like a squirrel in a wheel ?! However, calm and measured asanas help not to forget, but to distance a little. Gradually you realize that in your life it is really important, paramount, and what you should not pay attention to. This awareness does not come from the first lesson. But it comes necessarily. Together with flexibility, vitality and a sense of harmony.


■ Yoga classes inhibit the production of catecholamines - stress hormones.

■ Various asanas can improve sleep, relieve headaches and symptoms of PMS, normalize blood pressure and even relieve a hangover.

■ In 30 minutes of kundalini yoga, about 80 kcal is burned, power yoga - about 220 kcal.

■ Only the certificate of an international center gives the right to teach yoga. To get it, you need at least 5 years of constant practice with compulsory exams after each level of training.

The article was published on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 05/2013

Text: Tatyana Minina. Photo: Getty Images /, Beboy /

Materials prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: 5 Hard Yoga Poses Made Easy. Health (January 2025).