
Mushroom time


August is the hottest time for picking mushrooms.

Some mushroom pickers call these gifts of nature "forest meat." It’s good if you are an experienced mushroom picker and go to the forest for a “quiet hunt” not the first time. But what about a beginner when there is a huge desire to pick mushrooms, but there is not enough experience and knowledge?

First of all, you need to know where and which mushrooms you can pick. Books and experienced mushroom pickers will tell you about this.

Mushrooms have one very bad feature - to absorb everything around them like a sponge. They accumulate in themselves harmful substances many times more than any other plants. Therefore, one should not pick mushrooms in the urban lane, near highways - exhaust gases contain almost the entire periodic table. In places close to various industrial and manufacturing enterprises. Do not pick mushrooms along the power line.

What to do with mushroom poisoning?

Eating mushrooms that are not picked there or worse than unknown mushrooms can lead to poisoning and even death. Therefore, any mushroom poisoning requires immediate medical attention. Do not hesitate, call an ambulance. And before the doctors arrive, do gastric lavage with 1-2 liters of potassium permanganate solution or saline. Drink more water. It is advisable to take activated carbon.

Do not discard leftover cooked mushrooms.They will be needed for analysis, so that the picture of poisoning is as clear as possible. After all, toxins in case of poisoning with fungi immediately enter the bloodstream. And no self-medication.

Photo: PR

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova
